Hip history

Our second annual Hip History Contest has ended! Students creatively shared the history of Buxton, Iowa—the 1900 coal mining town of 5,000 residents, of which 40%-55% were African American—through the arts.

In Buxton, African Americans were leaders in the community and Blacks and whites were treated equally. Buxton is a great example of unity. Hip is a great way to describe the fun way students will share Buxton’s history to win prizes. Plans are underway for the September 2025 contest. Get on the mailing list to be notified!

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Promoting Unity By Uniting Through History

Uniting Through History’s mission is to further acceptance of—and pride in—the fact that Black history is American history by providing creative ways for people to connect with the experiences of Black Americans.

With greater knowledge of their history, Black children and adults can take pride in, and inspiration from, all that their ancestors overcame and accomplished. Children and adults of all races can learn the integrated history of this country, acknowledge the inequities and injustices, and appreciate the successes and contributions of Black people.

As we grow, we will expand our mission to include the experiences and contributions of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).

Knowing our country’s true, complete history enables us to acknowledge and combat racism. Knowing and accepting our country’s true, complete history unites us. Hence, Uniting Through History.

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Panel 1

How You Can Help

In addition to the projects currently underway, Uniting Through History is already working on additional projects for 2025 and beyond.

The support of our sponsors and our community enable us to provide creative ways for people to learn and connect with our shared history.

We invite you to step up and assist us. There are many different ways you can help.

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Panel 2 Placeholder
Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4

Current Projects


Uniting Through History’s second annual Hip History Contest has ended. Students participating in the contest brought the early 20th century town of Buxton alive through the arts to win prizes.

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Join us in reading stories that educate and inspire pride in how Black Americans and people of color have contributed in great measure to our country—and then take action.

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Mainstreet 360º Project

Uniting Through History is excited to partner with the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) to literally bring Buxton, Iowa to life via the Mainstreet 360º project.

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