2022 Contest Winners

Once again, we received some great Hip History Contest entries. Not only were the majority of our entries creative, we were amazed by the creative ways some of our winners used technology. Below are the 2022 Hip History Contest winning entries.

Legacy Foundation Logo Thanks to our generous sponsor the Legacy Foundation, Uniting Through History was able to host its second Hip History Contest.

NOTE: We share these entries to recognize winners. While viewing past entries may spark ideas for future entrants, entries identical to these will not be considered.

Middle School Winners

First Place Winner
($2,000 Prize)
Screenshot of Savannah P. entrySavannah P. used original art in her entry and compared and contrasted her thoughts about life in Buxton compared to today. Her goal for those viewing their entry:”I want people to know about how amazing Buxton was then and how it can be now in our schools if we can learn and grow from diversity. Click here to view her entry.
Honorable Mention
($150 Prize)
Screen shot of Lola D. entryLola D. decided to focus on the town of Buxton, doing a time-lapsed drawing of the houses to show that all races were neighbors and lived in identical housing. Her goal for those viewing her entry: “I want them to learn that it is ok to be different but you should not bully or become mean just because people have different skin colors.”
Click here to view her entry.

High School Winners

First Place Winner
($2,000 Prize)
Screen shot of Dominique L. entryDominique L. recorded herself as the teacher as well as two students, seated together in the classroom. She also used special effects to create video of Buxton, which she shared with her students. Her goal for those viewing their entry, she begins with what she learned in school:”… I heard about Black people as slaves, sharecroppers, abolitionists, and social justice warriors, but I did not hear about Black people who were leaders, business owners, and doctors. I hope that when people watch my video, they will see how Black people were just people doing extraordinary tasks in a horrific time for Black people in America.” Click here to view her entry.
Second Place Winner
($500 Prize)
Screen shot of Chloe M. and Andrew H. entryChloe M., with help from Andrew H., created a bedtime story to share the history of Buxton, plus used technology to create vintage Buxton footage featuring herself and Andrew. Her goal for those viewing her entry: “During a time when the unfair, unequal treatment of people of color was paradigm, the town of Buxton was not only breaking this pattern, but it was ahead of its time in doing so. Black people weren’t just ‘tolerated’ in Buxton though. In Buxton, there was equity — equal opportunity. And because of this, the town flourished. When wars have been fought over nothing more than the color of skin, Buxton proved to be an oasis for those seeking change, and no matter how long ago, the example Buxton set is not only something that should be remembered, it is something we should learn from.” Click here to view her entry.